What is the cloud/cloud computing?
A cloud computer is a device that is accessible via network connection and computing in the cloud is something any computer, tablet or cell phone user has done. Many familiar applications like Microsoft’s Office 365, Adobe’s Creative Cloud, Zoom, and Slack utilize this technology to allow end users more freedom and flexibility when using their products.
What is Office Virtualization?
Office Virtualization replaces workplace procedures with cloud (network) hosted solutions. File servers, application servers, workstations, programs, printers, phones, faxes, and everything else a business needs to operate can be made comfortably accessible from any device.
What is the Benefit?
There is a long list of benefits, but security and comfort stand out. The luCod Cloud offers redundancy and ease of access. With luCod your business does not have a single point of failure. Onsite, offsite, and cold backups ensure no event will cause the loss of data; while having the availability to work as though you were at your desk from any computer or device with an internet connection means nothing can keep you or your employees from meeting deadlines.
How can a small business utilize the cloud?
Our most popular and beneficial option is server hosting. This is a virtual device hosted in our data center that processes programs, stores data files, controls access security and provides a consistent environment for you and your employees to operate. Log on via simple to use programs like RDP, it is the true workstation with desk computers and laptops functioning as dummy terminals.